Biometric Residence Permit Replacement – what to do after a name change

Clients who get married, or change their names, are often unsure about whether they need to change anything on their immigration documents. It is important to note that a Biometric Residence Permit replacement must be requested after a name change.

Below are some questions on the issue, answered by our immigration experts. There are two different scenarios Biometric Residence Permit Replacement for cases of limited leave, and unlimited leave to remain in the UK.

Biometric Residence Permit Replacement – Cases of Limited Leave

I am the holder of a UK Ancestral Visa. I recently got married and had my surname changed, following my marriage. Do I need to inform the UK Home Office? Will I need to request a Biometric Residence Permit replacement?

It is important that you inform the Home Office of your name change as soon as possible. The Home Office can issue a large fine if a person does not inform them. One has to apply for a Biometric Residence Permit replacement with the Home Office.

The formal application must be made as soon as a person receive a new passport with the name change.

The application for the replacement BRP can be done via a premium application, that is the same day application, or via post.

If a person has limited leave to remain in the UK, such as the Ancestral Visa, the application for the replacement card is called BRP (RC).

Biometric Residence Permit Replacement – Cases of Unlimited Leave

I currently have Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK and have recently changed my surname following my marriage. Is it necessary to ask for a Biometric Residence Permit replacement?

You do indeed need to request a BRP replacement. Where a person has unlimited leave to remain, the application is an NTL application. That stands for ‘no time limit’ as you currently hold indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom.

The application for the replacement BRP can be done via a premium application, that is the same day application, or via a postal application.

Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants can assist with the process. Please contact us for more information.

Please contact us today for further information or applications.

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